Stanley Kubrick — director of the famous films A Clockwork Orange, Lolita (based on the novel by Nabokov), A Space Odyssey of 2001, at the age of thirteen, became the owner of a Graflex camera. The camera was donated by my father. This was the beginning of his passion for photography.

Back in 1945, a 17-year-old amateur photographer named Stanley brought a photo of a newspaper seller to the LOOK magazine. The photo brought the young man $ 25 and after a while the position of a staff photographer of the magazine, where he worked until 1950.

Rosemary Williams
Shoe Shine Boys. 1947
Showgirls at the Copacabana Club, New York City, by Stanley Kubrick. 1948
Circus. 1948
Stanley Kubrick. Self portrait with showgirl Rosemary Williams 1948 or 1949
Changing the Tire. 1946
Circus. 1948 
People arriving at the Chicago Theatre for show starring, in person, Jack Carson, Marion Hutton, and Robert Alda. 1949
Toy Story. 1949
Stanley Kubrick_s Betsy Von Furstenberg
Stanley Kub Film Crew. 1947
Circus. 1948
The Child City. 1948
Chicago. 1949. Theater traffic on State Street
House Party. 1948
Men_s Fashion Show. 1948
Vivian Kubrick. Daughter of Stanley Kubrick