Boris Vsevolodovich Ignatovich

Boris Vsevolodovich Ignatovich (April 4, 1899 — April 4, 1976) — Russian Soviet photographer, master of documentary photography, reporter, cameraman and journalist. The pioneer of Soviet avant-garde photography in the 1920s and 1930s, the founder of photojournalism, an innovator and teacher, one of the most significant artists and daring «formalists» of his time.

«Atlantes. Near the Hermitage. Leningrad 1931»

«Hermitage. Leningrad 1929»

«Motorcyclists of the Great Patriotic War»

«Machine gun crew 1942»

«In the workshop of the searchlight factory, 1930»

«Ferry 1944»

«The traffic controller 1937»

«Monument to Lenin at Smolny»

«Floors. Leningrad«

«Vsileostrovskaya kitchen factory»

«May Day. Moscow 1929»

«Channel 8 gateway named after Moscow, 1937″

«Frosty Morning 1920»

«Motherhood 1937»

«Boris Ignatovich. Cinematographer of the Soyuzkinokhronika studio, 1932 Innovator Fund»