Tsei Gorge. Republic Of North Ossetia-Alania. Russian Federation.
Tsei Gorge. Republic Of North Ossetia-Alania. Russian Federation.
The sanctuary (dzuar) of Mady-Mairam is located in the upper reaches of the Tsei Gorge, on the left bank of the Tseidon River, at the foot of the Tseirag Ridge, 300 meters east of the Rekom sanctuary. This sanctuary is called Mady-Mayram dzuar — the sanctuary of St. Mary. Tsei Gorge. Republic Of North Ossetia-Alania. Russian Federation.More information can be found on the websiteirikam.
The Dzivgisi-Uastyrdzhi templeis located on the left bank of the Fiagdon River, near the southwestern edge of the village of Dzivgis. The Dzivgis temple was built in the XI-XIII centuries, during the era of the Alanian Christian state. It is one of the few surviving monuments of Alanian church architecture of this period. Kurtatinsky gorge. The Republic of North Ossetia-Alania. Russian Federation. The Dzivgis complex consists of 6 caves of various sizes, to which stone fortifications are attached. More information can be found on the websiteirikam.
The sanctuary (dzuar) Rekom is located in the upper reaches of the Tsei Gorge, on the left bank of the Tseidon River, at the foot of the Tseirag Ridge on the glade Rekomi-phase. Tsei Gorge. Republic Of North Ossetia-Alania. Russian Federation. More information can be found on the websiteirikam.
«The Bronze Horseman» is a ten-meter monument made of bronze and granite, dedicated to the first Russian Emperor Peter the Great. The majestic statue of the emperor was created by the French sculptor Etienne Falcone. The grand opening of the monument «Bronze Horseman» in St. Petersburg took place on August 18, 1782. St. Petersburg. Russian Federation.
Peter and Paul Fortress. The fortress was founded by Peter the Great in 1703. t. Petersburg. Russian Federation.
McKenna’s Gold
Upper terrace.«The only salvation from the cold is those whom you hold close to your heart».Central park of culture and recreation named after K.L. Khetagurov. City of Vladikavkaz. Republic of North Ossetia-Alania. Russian Federation. More information can be found on the websiteirikam.
The pond and the view of the house «Sail». Central park of culture and recreation named after K.L. Khetagurov. City of Vladikavkaz. Republic of North Ossetia-Alania. Russian Federation. More information can be found on the websiteirikam.
The Gadzhinov family tower.Kurtatinsky gorge. The Republic of North Ossetia-Alania. Russian Federation. More information can be found on the websiteirikam.
Cafe «Gorka». In the central park named after K. L. Khetagurov there is a cozy cafe «Gorka». There is a cozy cafe «Gorka» in the central park named after K. L. Khetagurov. It is a favorite place for citizens and guests of the city. City of Vladikavkaz. Republic of North Ossetia-Alania. Russian Federation. More information can be found on the websiteirikam.
Bullfinches. The bullfinch, or common bullfinch (Pyrrhula pyrrhula) is a songbird of the genus Pyrrhula, a family of finches. The size is slightly larger than a sparrow. 23.01.2024. City of Vladikavkaz. Republic of North Ossetia-Alania. Russian Federation.
Monument to Dzaug Bugulov, who founded the village of Dzaudzhikau. Vladikavkaz city. Republic Of North Ossetia-Alania. Russian Federation. More information can be found on the websiteirikam.
Architectural complex of the village Tsmiti. Architectural complex of the village Tsmiti (Tsimiti) is located in the Fiagdon Valley, on the northern slope of Mount Kariu-khoh. The Republic of North Ossetia-Alania. Russian Federation. More information can be found on the websiteirikam.
Monument to Dzaug Bugulov, who founded the village of Dzaudzhikau. Vladikavkaz city. Republic Of North Ossetia-Alania. Russian Federation. More information can be found on the websiteirikam.
Genaldon Gorge. Republic Of North Ossetia-Alania. Russian Federation. More information can be found on the websiteirikam.
Dzivgis complex.Dzivgis village. Kurtatinsky gorge. The Republic of North Ossetia-Alania. Russian Federation. The Dzivgis complex consists of 6 caves of various sizes, to which stone fortifications are attached. More information can be found on the websiteirikam.
Genaldon Gorge. Republic Of North Ossetia-Alania. Russian Federation. More information can be found on the websiteirikam.
Architectural complex of the village Tsmiti. Architectural complex of the village Tsmiti (Tsimiti) is located in the Fiagdon Valley, on the northern slope of Mount Kariu-khoh. The Republic of North Ossetia-Alania. Russian Federation. More information can be found on the websiteirikam.
The Dargavsky crypt necropolis. Republic Of North Ossetia-Alania. Russian Federation. It is located on the right bank of the river. Gizeldon, on the lower, western, extremity of the Ramina-rah spur (Rabyn-rah Ræbyny rag), descending from the base of Mount Chizhity-khokh, 350 m northeast of the village. Dargavs. The complex consists of 95 structures built of roughly processed large stones using lime mortar. The exterior walls are plastered, their thickness ranges from 0.5 m to 0.75 m. The necropolis consists of semi—underground and above-ground tower-type burials erected in the late XVI — early XIX centuries. More information can be found on the websiteirikam.
Church of the Assumption of the Virgin. Mamison Gorge. Republic Of North Ossetia-Alania. Russian Federation. On the western outskirts of the village of Lisri, there is a dilapidated church, founded in 1897, consecrated in 1902 in honor of the Assumption of the Most Holy Theotokos. Mamison Gorge. More information can be found on the websiteirikam.
The Botsiev Tower. Mamison Gorge. Republic Of North Ossetia-Alania. Russian Federation. More information can be found on the websiteirikam.
Cariu-hoh. Kurtatinsky gorge. Republic Of North Ossetia-Alania. Russian Federation.
Tower of Lisri village. Mamison Gorge. Republic Of North Ossetia-Alania. Russian Federation. More information can be found on the websiteirikam.
The tsyrt is located on the territory of the crypt necropolis. Dzivgis village. Kurtatinsky gorge. The Republic of North Ossetia-Alania. Russian Federation. There is a rural cemetery on the southern outskirts of the village. There are 14 semi-underground and aboveground crypts marked here. The cave crypts of the village date from the XIII–XV centuries, and the ground ones from the XVII-XVIII centuries. More information can be found on the websiteirikam.
The Dargavsky crypt necropolis. Republic Of North Ossetia-Alania. Russian Federation. It is located on the right bank of the river. Gizeldon, on the lower, western, extremity of the Ramina-rah spur (Rabyn-rah Ræbyny rag), descending from the base of Mount Chizhity-khokh, 350 m northeast of the village. Dargavs. The complex consists of 95 structures built of roughly processed large stones using lime mortar. The exterior walls are plastered, their thickness ranges from 0.5 m to 0.75 m. The necropolis consists of semi—underground and above-ground tower-type burials erected in the late XVI — early XIX centuries. More information can be found on the websiteirikam.
The Alikov Family Tower. There is an Alikov tower on the territory of the Dargava necropolis, higher up the slope of Rabyn-rakh mountain (Rambyny rag, Raminy rakh). She controlled the approaches to the village of Dargavs from the Genaldon gorge. The tower is also known by another name, the Badtiev Tower. More information can be found on the website irikam.
Dzivgis rock fortress. The fortress is located above the northern part of the village of Dzivgis, in the steep slope of the foot of Mount Cariu-hoh. It represents a complex of defensive structures of varying degrees of preservation. Kurtatinsky gorge. Republic Of North Ossetia-Alania. Russian Federation. More information can be found on the websiteirikam.
The crypt necropolis. Kurtatinsky gorge. Republic Of North Ossetia-Alania. Russian Federation. There is a rural cemetery on the southern outskirts of the village of Dzivgis. There are 14 semi-underground and above-ground crypts marked here. The cave crypts of the village date back to the XIII–XV centuries, and the ground crypts of the XVII–XVIII centuries. More information can be found on the websiteirikam.
Moon. 29.10.2023, 6h.36m.
Mamison Gorge. Republic Of North Ossetia-Alania. Russian Federation.
Rainbow, 26.01.2022, 8h.38m.
«Heavenly gold»
Rainbow, 26.01.2022, 8h.40m.
Under the canopy of the forest. Photography №1.
Under the canopy of the forest. Photography №2.
Under the canopy of the forest. Photography №3.
Mallow is an amazing medicinal plant native to Africa, North America and Eurasia. Most often it is a biennial plant, although there are cases when mallow lives for only one year.
Malva — one -, two -, perennial flowering herb, also called a stock — a rose. It is grown as a valuable food, medicinal and ornamental plant.
Fungi are plant parasites. The hosts of parasitic fungi are most often higher plants. Such parasitic fungi are also called phytopathogenic.
Lake Erzo. South Ossetia. The Russian Federation.
Mushrooms are parasites
Church of the Assumption of the Virgin On the western outskirts of the village of Lisri, there is a dilapidated church, founded in 1897, consecrated in 1902 in honor of the Assumption of the Most Holy Theotokos. Mamison Gorge. Republic Of North Ossetia-Alania. Russian Federation.
The Uastyrdzhi monument in the rock. This member of the Ossetian pantheon is the most respected by the local population a celestial, therefore, it is he who first meets the guests of the republic, passing along the Transcaucasian highway. Republic Of North Ossetia-Alania. Russian Federation.
Church of the Assumption of the Virgin On the western outskirts of the village of Lisri, there is a dilapidated church, founded in 1897, consecrated in 1902 in honor of the Assumption of the Most Holy Theotokos. Mamison Gorge. Republic Of North Ossetia-Alania. Russian Federation.Mount Kazbek and burning dead wood on the southern slope of Mount Aarau-Khokh. It is a few kilometers from the village of Chmi. February 2, 2021. Republic Of North Ossetia-Alania. Russian Federation.Burning dead wood on the southern slope of Mount Aarau-Khokh. It is a few kilometers from the village of Chmi. February 2, 2021. Republic Of North Ossetia-Alania. Russian Federation.
Genaldon Gorge. Republic Of North Ossetia-Alania. Russian Federation.
Waterfall «Ring» Located on the main river bed. Kartsadon, about 2.5 km west of the villages. Mountain Kartsa in the Kurtat Gorge. Republic Of North Ossetia-Alania. Russian Federation.
Genaldon (Karmodon) Gate. Republic Of North Ossetia-Alania. Russian Federation.
Stop, moment, you are beautiful!
Heavenly dove
Kazbek mountain in winter
Mount Kazbek and the moon.Kazbek is a long-extinct volcano, the highest Eastern peak of the Caucasus. Its height is 5033.8 meters. The last eruption was in 650 BC.
In the rain’s gold
Overcoming the Zgid pass. Republic Of North Ossetia-Alania. Russian Federation.
Shitski pass. After the village of Upper Zgid, a dirt road begins to Digor gorge through the Savaraftsag pass 2569m (pass.Shitski ). This road passes in the most picturesque places of this part of the Caucasus between two ridges: the Main Caucasus and the Black Ridge, which looks like a huge crown. Republic Of North Ossetia-Alania. Russian Federation.
Man in the scale of nature is like an ant
Chubushnik on the background of setting sun.Chubushnik (Latin: Philadélphus) is a genus of shrubs in the Hydrangea family (Hydrangeaceae). In Russia this shrub is often incorrectly called Jasmine for the pronounced sweet aroma of flowers in some species of Chub.
Pearls of rain
Life force. Pphotography №1.
Life force. Pphotography №2.
The breath of autumn
After the rain. Photography №1.
One of the waterfalls. The Digor gorge. Republic of Northern North Ossetia-Alania. Russian Federation.
«The Castle Frigate» Phoography №1. One of the most unusual architectural monuments of the middle ages, preserved to this day in the mountainous North Ossetia-Alania, is the «frigate castle» in the village of Khanaz, which used to belong to the Tsallaev family. The medieval castle resembles a sailing frigate, a similar form of construction is not found anywhere else in the North Caucasus. The Digor gorge. Republic Of North Ossetia-Alania. Russian Federation.
«The Castle Frigate» Photography №2. The Digor gorge. Republic Of North Ossetia-Alania. Russian Federation.
«Gold mine» And opened in the rays of the rising sun… Zrugskoe gorge. Republic Of North Ossetia-Alania. Russian Federation.
What’s around the bend…
Life force. Pphotography №3.
Cloud fire. Pphotography №1. The rising sun» ignite» up the clouds.
Cloud fire. Pphotography №2. The rising sun» ignite» up the clouds.
Cloud fire. Pphotography №3. The rising sun» ignite» up the clouds.
Sunset in the clouds
All in the past
Finch or Brambling Iatin:( Fringilla montifringilla) As a separate species, finches were described in the mid-18th century by the Swedish zoologist Carl Linnaeus. Already at that time, the birds were separated into a separate family, and 100 years later, the description of all the subspecies of this family was completed. … Finches are characterized by a small body, the length of which does not exceed 15 centimeters. The weight of the bird is 20-25 grams.
After the rain. Photography №2.
Sunrise. Nature in the style of surrealism.
Yellow cloud. Zrugskoe gorge. Republic Of North Ossetia-Alania. Russian Federation.
Yellow bedspread. Zrugskoe gorge. Republic Of North Ossetia-Alania. Russian Federation.
The Finch (Latin: Fringílla coélebs) is a songbird in the Finch family. Size-14-18 cm. Sexual dimorphism is pronounced. The Area Of North Africa, And Eurasia. Widespread, partly synanthropic species; one of the most numerous in Russia. It is mainly a grain-eating bird; it feeds its young on insects.
Blue-white cloud
After the rain. Photography №3.
Mamison gorge. Photography №2.
On a halt
Mamison gorge. Photography №1. Republic Of North Ossetia-Alania. Russian Federation.
Mamison gorge. Photography №3.
Mamison gorge. Photography №4.
Mamison gorge. Photography №5.
Mamison gorge. Photography №6. A pyramid of large stones built on top of a mountain, on a pass or in a Holy place is called «latza» and is dedicated to local deities. Sometimes pilgrims even bring stones with them! Pyramid piles of stones are called » OBO » and serve as a house for the soul of the pilgrim during prayer or meditation. ⠀ The pass is marked with pyramids. In this case, the pyramids have the same meaning «I was here, I went over the pass» Or just for luck. ⠀ Mountaineers call stone pyramids «tours». They serve as landmarks at key points on the trail.
Mamison gorge. Photography №7.
Borshevik. Borshevik is a genus of plants in the Umbrella family, numbering, according to The Plant List, 52 species distributed in the temperate zone of the Eastern Hemisphere (one species in North America).
Female house Sparrow with bread in her beak.
After the rain. Photography №4.
Republic Of North Ossetia-Alania. Russian Federation.